Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Future Band Geeks

Emily got out her trombone to show the kids. They loved it! Edith just sat back watching at first. I told Emily to give her and try. Wow, that kid has some lungs. She could do it better than Balthezar.

Yes, she is dressed as a princess. That is her thing lately. Well, she actually were the princess dresses to school with leggings underneath. On Monday, it was leggings with a tutu. Plus, she must always layer. Sometimes she has up to 3 shirts on.
Leo the cat took advantage of the soft trombone case.
Emily is really good with the kids. I am glad that I have gotten to know her in the past year. She is pretty cool. She still has a bad temper (don't we all) but not like in the past. It is nice that she actually will spend time with us.

Easter with all the kids!

Ahh, reunited and it feels so good!! Gen came to town with Gavin for the first time, it has been 2 years since she and Scott visited. (poor people suck!) We took pictures with everyone - except Emily. She was grumpy. And Balthezar was at school still - he misses out on everything! (we got profession photos with all the cousins later that day, and he was in those)
from Left to right top: Genevieve holding Gavin, Kathleen holding Amira, Josh, Stacie, David, Joan, and Muriel (Great grandma)
Bottom: Reiley, Maira, Arami, and Edith.
Don't I look HOT??

Okay people, Josh is single, handsome, and makes good money, and loves puppies (oh, and babies!). Please send the resumes of your single girlfriends to me asap.
Gavin and Amira first meet. He grabbed her and she freaked out. They haven't made up yet......
Okay, Stacie looks asian, and Gavin looks blind, but whatever.
David with Maira and Arami. This is when the kids were getting dressed for the big photo shoot at JC Penny.
Edith and Arami are best friends.

Gen hanging with Gavin.
Yes, I do have a triple chin. Get over it (I am talking to myself) Babies love me, so I must be okay.
Gavin loves to take baths
Edith fell in love with Genevieve and Gavin. The morning they were getting ready to go home she told Genevieve that she could leave Gavin with her (Edith) and she would be his new mommy. Recently, she started crying and told me how much she misses 'baby Gavin' and 'Aunt GG'
Emily and Gavin.

Seattle Science Center

Grandma, Grandpa, Kathleen, and David and Steven (I don't remember why I didn't go) took the kids to the science center (thanks to Stacie's homeschooling stipend, we get a year member ship!) Dick and Arami are really close. Here they are taking a minute to snuggle.
The science center has an amazing room with tropical butterflies. Here the girls got to pretend they were a part of it.
Outside, the kids use their walking power to scoop up water.
Balthezar and Reiley moving this gigantic ball with water flowing all around. Kathleen in is the red, David is scratching his head (like always) and Steven (David's older brother) is taking a picture.
Edith playing with some sort of water contraption.
One of the butterflies.

A day in the snow

I am trying to start a new fashion trend. Skirts on heads. Actually, my ears wer just cold so I used Ediths skirt to keep them warm. (hey, whatever works)
Amira looking cute with grandma
Stacie, David, Dick, Larkann (aka mom) and I took all the kids (Except Balthezar who was in school) up to Snoqualmie pass to play in the snow.
Have you ever noticed that it takes as much time getting the kids dressed to play in the cold as the time they actually play?


Maira taking the trek back up the hill.

David was a trooper. He helped the girls bring the tubes and sleds back up - otherwise they kept loosing them and having to go to the bottom to get them again.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Is that a stethescope in my pocket, or am I just glad to see you?

I have really good news, and most of you know already - but for those who don't --- I got my letter of acceptance into the RN program at Bellevue Community College Today! What a weight off my shoulders! It feels really nice that I all my hard work has paid off, and I know where I will be going to school for the next two years.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

feeling out of sorts

I am feeling weird today. I am just kind of down and feeling grumpy. I will find out in the next few days if I got into the nursing program at BCC, so I am very nervous. My life kind of hinges on what I find out. I really feel like eating a ton of sweets, but have been able to stay away from them. I even did a hard core one hour workout and sweat a bunch.

I just hate how easy it is for me to get this fat, and how hard it seems to stay smaller. I guess I want it to be easier!

हार्ड डे

remembering picture days of the past

I got this picture off of my mom's computer. Sitting here looking at it I am remembering the day this picture was taken. I think Edith was about 2 and Balthezar was 5. We didn't want the rocking horse, but Edith just had to have it for the picture, otherwise she was just freaking out. Balthezar looks like he has his arm around her, but if you look closely, he is just posing, with his hand above her shoulder. Edith would not let him touch her. Not the best photos, but good enough for me to remember not to shave Balthezars head again.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Am I officially a blogger?

Well, I decided to start my own blog because I like to have an online journal but I don't want to send out e-mails to everyone when I have something interesting to say. This way, I can just let people know where to look, and add all I want. The trick is to figure out how to put in pictures and stuff! I really am not that great at computers! I am sure that I will learn.