so the powers that be, and even just the way we have been raised, have led us to believe that by voting today we are taking part in democracy (right) and with the new president, 'change' will occur. Isn't that what every president promises. Yeah, the cabinet changed and the linens might change, but that is about it. The only way to change the world is through the people, not by a politician. I got swept up into the wave of Obama, and I will defend him when people start talking about stupid blacks, how he is muslim (who cares if he is?) etc. But in the end, but he sold out to big money for the campaign. McCain was okay. He has had some good ideas for immigration that I liked, but he picked a total dip from Alaska as a running mate. It just shows how irrational he can be, and we don't need that.
I guess when push comes to shove, when everybody is expecting something from this election, all it will be is relief from the crazy ads, and someone new to blame the problems of our country on. I mean, if I believed that Jesus was god and would come down to earth and became 'president', I am sure that the people would think that even he did it wrong - especially the extreme 'you name your group' people.
anyhoo. I am such a light sparkle in the dark of the world aren't I?
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago
1 comment:
It is so funny how I agree with you. we actually had a discussion at lunch today about our "democratic" nation. So often we forget that we are not a democracy. We are a republic. The voice of the people is heard, but not always acted upon (thus 8 years of Bush). I try to teach my students that, so that they can see that it isn't always washington that rules the world. we rule our world, to a small extent.
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