I am really ticked right now at Mexico. Why? How? How can I be mad at an entire country? Well, not totally. I am just ticked off because Moises is in Ciudad Juarez right now, registering 2 trucks that his brother Antonio is taking home with him(he has been living here for 5 years and is now going home). I was able to load up the trucks with lots of goodies for my in laws. Tons of clothes and toys. Now, this isn't nice stuff from the store, it is okay second hand stuff from me, Stacie, friends, and Value Village. Well, Moises lets me know today that he might not be able to bring it all with him because it is for kids and he isn't travelling with kids. Why the fuck do they care? Why does customs give a shit about a bunch of second hand kids clothes and toys. I don't get it.
Now, I have just realized that our cat, Leo is missing. I haven't seen him in a couple of days. Cats do that sometimes, but cats in our house who go missing don't ever come back. We know that there is a neighbor around who is taking care of one of our cats, because he came home once wearing a colar. Hopefully Leo has been stolen and not eaten by a coyote. I mean, coyotes need to eat too, but I really loved Leo. I hate the stupid dogs at my moms house. They are nice and all, but cats are so much better.
And, I forgot to pay my fucking ticket. (yes, I am swearing a lot, get over it) I hope that I don't get pulled over and arrested. I don't know how I forgot. I just hope that since I will be paying late, they will still let me pay only 81 dollars instead of the original 550. My luck stinks, so I don't know why that wouldn't happen.
And I can't stop eating, or obsessing about eating. Obviously, given my size, I eat a lot. I feel like all I can even think about it what I will or will not eat, and if I eat too much, how I can go throw it up without anybody finding out. Again, I don't know why I care if someone knows I am throwing up my food. I mean, it will end up in the toilet at some point anyways. I don't know how to stop myself from doing it. I want help, but I don't know where to get it.
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago
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