I am just glad for the support that I have gotten the past week. One of my best friends from the time that I was taking my prerequisites called me for the first time in forever. We have just kind of drifted apart because of life. We used to spend every day together, hanging out, studying, eating her awesome homemade food. Now we are both super busy and never see each other. It was really nice for the call.
Then my dad called me and offered me support. We don't talk often. I am not good at communication with him on my part. It seems that if I am not seeing people all the time, I have a hard time writing or calling.
My sister called and wanted to make a date - which didn't work out in the end, but I guess it is the thought that counts.
I was invited to a party for someones new blog. Not sure if I will go because I am not really hip, and she is a really hip Seattlite. I would like to though - I just don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.
My sister Gen called -we talk pretty often though, but it is nice that we do. Once she got married and moved away we barely talked for a year or two. Slowly it has become much more often which I enjoy. It is hard when she comes to visit though, because I don't want to let her go back home!
Just several ways that I was reasurred that people actually do care about me. Thanks guys! I love you too.
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago
I love you, you made me get all weapy.
Ok...I stand here in great anticipation. I want to be the first in line to receive good stuff...and one fab---U---lous thang. I love you!!!
I truly enjoyed our phone conversation. Yep...we haven't talked much on the phone and it can be awkward...but we got the job done. We need to do it mucho moro. Love all of you...that's lots of love.
Phyllis and I will celebrate...in the hospital...our 18th wedding anniversary, Saturday, 14 Feb 2009.
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