Kathleen mentioned that she can't wait for me to go to Mexico because I actually post on here all the time. So I figure I will appease her and write about my boring life.
I have one more week left of my first year of nursing school. I can't believe how fast it went by! I thought second quarter was going to kill me, but now that it is over, I feel pretty confident. I have to pass a proctored test on thursday in order to pass, and I am a concerned about it. It basically covers everything we have learned this year. It is so much freaking information - too much. I took a practice exam and scored a 67%!!! I have to get a 68% in order to pass. My psyche is hurting right now because I am normally not an average student, and I am getting average grades. I haven't been trying very hard, so it isn't a suprise. It just feels very different.
I leave for Mexico on the 27th. As always, I am excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because it is always nice to see people that I haven't seen in a year. I love an adventure, so I get my needs fulfilled. I just hate the packing. Riding on the airplane isn't very comfortable. Thank god I have the kids to ride with, otherwise I would probably have to buy an additional seat due to my size.
It is so weird to go from being here at home in the morning, and in my Mexican home by night the same day. I think that it is such a big jolt of change. It isn't really describable. I know that in the past year my in-laws have hooked up some sort of system for taking a shower. No more building fires outside and heating up water to pour over my head with a bowl!!! I can't even imagine!
My brother in law Aaron is getting marriend on the 22nd of August. This starts to beginning of something very new for me and my in-laws. I have always been the only 'nuera' (daughter in law) and so I have been able to come and visit and live with them. I am not sure how things will end up now that Aaron is getting married. My understanding is that Moises parents will give Aaron their house once they die. So, it will be their house. That is why he has spent the money to do a bunch of upgrades - it will be his home. So, even though it won't 'officially' be his - it will be. So how do I continue to come and visit without stepping on toes and invading their space? I don't know. I guess it really is time to start building on our land. It is really close by (like maybe a 10 minute walk) and right now they use it to plant alfalfa or corn.
They say that because I am thinking about these things that I am jealous. I think that is part of their culture. I have heard the son in laws talk about who is the favorite out of the 4 of them. They think that it is Antonio, Martha's husband. It is something to kind of joke about, but when it boils down, it really means something to them. I think that there is part of me that worries. Just because I am SO NOT MEXICAN. They are going to have a nice mexican woman living there who does everything the mexican way. I don't think that they will decide they don't like me. I think that I kind of get a pass because they do realize that I come from a different world. I also always come with tons of gifts for everyone. It is hard not to like someone who is as nice as me ;)
In the meantime, I really need to get my crap together! My room is a total stye. My computer area looks like crap. I am going to have a garage sell next friday and saturday with Marcella and Luth, so hopefully I can make some traveling money.
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago
1 comment:
I too love when you write in your blog! It makes me feel like I am more of a part of your life!!! I hear you about styes! I've been cleaning and it is killing me!!! GL in Mexico. It is funny. How you are feeling is i think an american emotion! I don't think it is jealousy, it is how things would be if they were in america! It is always interesting to hear the cultural differences.
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