I am grumpy and depressed, and tired, homesick, bored, and angry. I just literally feel like shit. I have been feeling down for a while now. I have expected it to go away as it always does with my period. I haven´t had my period, it is a week late, and I still feel like crap. (no, no posibility of pregnancy! - It would me the second coming is near)
I bought some new bras today. I thought that would help me feel better, but it didn´t. Now I am worried about money. I don´t need to worry, because it will all work out, but I am just so good at it. The bras are really nice. They have super duper support. They are really well made too, to last for years. They are only 20 dollars, so if you want me to bring a couple home with me, let me know. I will tell you how to get your measurements because they are custom made.
Marcella called me last night, which was really nice. I forget how much I miss being able to talk to someone with no language barrier. I mean, my spanish is okay, but I feel like I cant express myself well sometimes.
I am not sleeping well at night. All I can hear are dogs barking, donkeys braying (is that the right word) and the newest addition is turkeys gobbling. We got 3 turkeys the other day to fatten up for the wedding. They are so freaking loud it is unbelievable!
Edith says to me: Mom, are we going to eat those turkeys
me: yes, when your uncle gets married
Edith: does that mean we are going to kill them?
me: yes, we are going to kill them and eat them.
Edith: Can I watch when they kill them!
Me: uh.....sure.......
She also recently asked me about cows having babies. She asked me if we were going to kill the cows to eat. I said that maybe someday we would. She said that we should wait until they have babies first. Then she asked me if you have to cut open the cow to get the baby out. No, I say, it just comes out of the vagina. Oh...okay- she says. (she knows where her vagina is and didn´t even say anything about it hurting or anything.)
I should go get my kids and go to bed. Although, I already slept half the day. Oh well.
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago
HA, Ha, Ha, Ha, I'll comment when I stop laughing. Well, life in the country is all about reality, and killing the creatures is part of that. I remember when I was probably about Edith's age we went to an aunt's house in Spanish Fork, and they killed some chickens for us to take home for dinner. I was sooooo fascinated!! I can clearly see the process to this day!! And, yes, the chicken running around the yard with it's head cut off.
thats funny. at least you know that edith wont grow up to be a vegetarian. im sorry your bummed out. take er easy
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