This year I had a birthday mess. It started on friday (the 13th, 2 days before my birthday) when my sister Stacie decided to come into town to get some stuff for her new house, but also to take me out to dinner. I was really excited! I felt pretty important. Well, life kind of happened, and at that same time my step mother Phyllis went into critical condition at the hospital. So Stacie and I met for dinner, but most of the dinner was spent with me thanking the waiter for the good service, watching and listening to Stacie talk on the phone, and feeling pretty cheesy that I was eating dinner by myself essentially. Stacie asked me to drive home from the restaurant so that she could talk on the phone some more, and I said that her phone talking could wait. I said that she wasn't going to change anything on the phone during the next 10 minutes and so she could spent it talking with me.
I know I kind of sound like a bitch. Maybe I am. I totally was not being mad about the situation, but more frustrated. People dying when it is my birthday is frustrating.
So, go to the next day. Valentines Day. I have always kind of hated Valentines day. First of all, I have never had a valentine, and second, because I always felt that everyone was so wrapped up in Valentines day that they forgot when it was birthday the next day. I decided to get something for the kids and Moises this year. I got both kids a heart box with chocolates. Edith got a cute pair of Valentine pants and shirt, and Balthezar got some Pokemon cards. I got Moises a stuffed dog that says kiss me on it. I hoped that he would show up with something for me, but that didn't happen. (I have only gotten something on Valentines from him 1 or 2 times in 10 years)
So, Moises came over at around 4 in the afternoon. Right when he got here, I was feeling like taking a quick nap. He wanted to go and visit some friends of his. I told him to give me 15 minutes and I would get up and go. He didn't like that idea, so when I got up and said lets go, he says he doesn't want to go anywhere. He says that he told me that if we didn't go right then we weren't going at all, so now we aren't going. OKAY!
Later on he decided that he wants to take me out to Target or something to get me a birthday present. So we go. I don't really know what I want. We are browsing Target and the kids are really acting up, so we just decide to leave. No present after all.
Onto the actual day of my birth, the 15th. Long story short, my step fathers family has never really embraced our family. They kind of do, but it always feels different when the 'real' family is around. Essentially, I was invited to a brunch, that was really for James, my step brother because he is in town. I was told it was to celebrate my birthday - but no one was told it was my birthday. So people there were like, oh, I wish I had known it was your birthday, I would have bought you a card. I did get a card from Dick and his mom. Am I a total bitch thinking that I should have gotten something INSIDE the card from his mom - my grandmother? I mean, if it were James, or Karissa - the real grandkids, the card would probably have a couple hundred bucks in it. Oh well.
Mom was going to make dinner, but she got home from clinical and was too tired. And that evening my step mother died as well. Gen called because of something and found out about Phyllis being in the hospital and realized that it was my birthday. Happy birthday Joan! And Stacie wished me Happy Birthday when she called to tell me that Phyllis was dead. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Okay, so mom says she will make my birthday dinner today, monday. Well, it ended up being a clusterfuck as well. Kathy was yelling at the kids for not setting the table right, Balthezar started crying because Kathy was being mean, Joan was trying to get Balthezar to calm down. Then Dick asks my mom something about work, so she storms off to get it done. Dick takes a couple bites and leaves, then Kathy goes to see if mom will come back to eat dinner. Mom is just kind of freaking out, so Kathy decided to leave too. I finished my dinner at the table alone.
Now, don't think that I haven't thought that I should be grateful that on 4 separate days people tried to do something for me for my birthday. I totally see that, and I am grateful. I am also greatful for facebook, because I got a ton of Happy Birthday's from friends around the world. I also called a friend on my birthday and she offered to take me out bowling. That really meant a lot too. My family in Mexico called me to wish me happy birthday was well. That felt really good.
I just think that my birthday was cursed this year.