Edith for some reason thinks that she can say that to me. Well, she CAN, but I want to beat her for it. I told her that it hurt my feelings and that she needed to stop. I haven´t heard it again since, but it keeps running through my head. The annoying thing is that she said it for not apparent reason. I was getting something for her and she just said it. Whatever.
I am here in Mexico. The trip went by really fast. It helped that I was reading a good book. Stacie lent me the Twilight series. BTW - no one here has even heard of it! It is weird since it is front page magazine topic all the time.
We did have a few hiccups. Like when someone took my carry-on instead of theirs when getting off the first plane. Fortunately, the airline was able to locate the people who mistakenly took it, and get it on the plane before it took off. Once in mexico, the carry one was there, but a different bag hadn´t arrived. Ugh! Fortunately, it didn´t have all my clothes in it like last time. It does, however, have some slightly expensive power tools that I am taking for Moises, and all my books for teaching english. Lastly, Moises told his parents that I would be at the bus terminal at 8, but due to my flight in Houston being delayed, along with filled out info for the lost bag, we didn´t even leave mexico city until 7. We got to Tecamachalco at 11 pm, and I found out that they had been waiting at the bus terminal for 3 1/2 hours! Oops.
The house is kind of an organized mess right now. Aaron is busy fixing things up. He will be getting married on August 22, and needs the house to look good for the wedding and also for his new bride. I am happy to say that we now have a flushing toilet, a hot shower, and running water in the bathroom! It is also the nicest bathroom ever, I might add. I will take a picture. It is interesting to see that changes over the past 10 years from a hole in the ground out with the animals to this!
Moises paid a friend to make a bed frame for us, but he hasn´t shown up with it. Moises paid him half down to get the materials, but I don´t think we will get it. I think the guy blew the money or something.
My sister-in-law´s really like the nail set. They think that we could charge somewhere between 5 and 10 dollars to do it. I am not sure how we are going to market it, but I am sure that we will figure it out.
Well, I am out of stuff to say for now. I am tired and just want to sleep - which is nothing new, right? I have woken up every day with a huge headache. I realized today that it is because I haven´t been drinking diet coke and my body is going through withdrawals. Yuck. I have had a little here and there, but not like when I am at home. I am such an addict!
Blasting this conversation into a massive orbit!!!!!
10 years ago