Tuesday, July 28, 2009

No news is good news?

My sister Genevieve is supposed to have a baby today. I haven´t heard anything, so I supposed that is good. I hate being out of the loop.

I found out today that I recieved a scholarship for my tuition next year in school. Now I need to wait to see how much of a pell grant they think I need. My FAfsa says I can recieve up to 5300 in pell grants. That would be nice. It is about what I got last year. It was really nice being able to buy clothes and get gas without worrying about how I was going to come up with the money.

Life here is pretty boring. I have been in a funk that past couple of days. It is stupid really, because it is about Moises (nothing new, right?) He lied to me the other day about where he was at and it has really disturbed me. I don´t like being lied to. It reminds me of the early years when Stacie was married to Ariel. In my head, I think, okay he might have been with a woman. If that is the case, fuck him, right? His final story (it has changed 4 times so far) is that he went to a quinciñera party for one of his friends´daughter. If that was all, why did he have to lie? Of course I ask him that and he says something about how I always give him a hard time when he hangs out with his friends (totally not true)

Does anyone have a breadmachine that works but no longer want sitting around in their house? Let me know.....

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