I don't know if I have mentioned my new blender here. I am really excited about it. Doesn't that sound weird - to be excited about a blender. Well, it is one of those really cool ones like the Vitamix. It is called Blendtec though. Every morning I have a smoothy with tofu, banana, apple, orange, a cup or so of spinach and maybe some frozen peaches or strawberries and ice. Mix it up and I have a great breakfast that tides me over until lunch time. Tonight I had one because I wanted to snack on something, had an early dinner. I used red chard instead of spinach. Yummy! I want to start making soups more often with it. I made some banana bread today with it. First I made my own oat flour, and then mix everything together in the blender. It came out really salty though, so I will do it differently next time. I will probably try 1/2 oat flour and 1/2 regular flour, regular sugar instead of the splenda, and maybe put in some nuts ground up really well first, so my kids will eat it. Or not - and not add the calories.
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